Thursday, December 30, 2010

Outdoor Experience for Toddlers

Between the ages of 1 to 3, children tend to be more active. The parents need to be able to give their child the experience that he needs. To be able to give this, an outdoors experience will be appropriate.
Going outdoors with kids don't have to mean that you have to hike up in a mountain, it can only be camping in the backyard or simply playing in the play ground.
This environment allows the kids to see new things and be exposed to items that will not be available inside your home. Outside, there is greater chance that your kids will develop gross motor skills while they run or play. There are different playground equipments that can help your kids enjoy.
You may purchase playground equipment for your kid. This way, you are sure that only you child will be able to use it. Therefore, it can be safer from dirt. Either way, you need to make sure that the equipment used is sturdy and safe for your kid to use.
Look for different play areas near your house and choose the ones that reputable companies have made. Also, look into the safety of your kid in relation to the number and type or people going there. There should be available fences and walls for extra protection that your kids don't run off.
Tossing a ball back and forth can be an enjoyable activity. This will increase hand and eye coordination of your child. Use soft rubber balls for this. Plastic balls may be light enough but they can hurt a little when not caught well.
Your toddler may already be able to ride a bike. Choose a tricycle that can have support for balancing. Not only will this be a form of play, it also is a form of exercise. Teach them how to push down the pedal and start the tricycle. They may tend to go backwards instead of forward. So continue teaching them until they get how to do it well.
Monitor your child as they are riding bikes. It can be a little dangerous as they might go fast and tip over. They might even collide with other children if there are others in the area. Though it can be stressful for your back, you might need to lead them all the way and stay with them while they are riding.
You can introduce them to the pool. Early swimming lessons for kids can start from the age that they are a year old. This can be a form of exercise and bonding for you and your child. Choose respected and trusted instructors. The safety of your child needs to be of the most priority. So, he or she should be monitored while in the pool.
You may get away from the usual physical activities outdoors and choose to simply sit under a tree or in the garden and maybe draw or paint. Coloring books are also a good choice. This can develop your child's artistic abilities as well as fine motor movements.
Melody Andes enjoys writing for which sells kidkraft and classroom furniture as well as a host of additional products.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Best Buys for Newborn Baby Clothes

The best is yet to come. Your baby is coming out and everybody's excited. There's the rush and cram about the things to do and buy for the new batch of another generation. In this case, newborn baby clothes are the most difficult to look for. They should consider lots of things; think of most appropriate, less irritating and most comfortable ones and one must ponder on style, materials, design, color and cost. They may be too tough so you will need all the help you may get.
Simplicity and comfort never run out in style. Most of you would like to have the most expensive and trendy clothes for your babies, but believe me, not all of them are suitable for your child's needs. Go over the fabric, easy zippers and knots, wide arm and head holes and adjustable straps. They will make your babies more comfortable, and less irritated. These garments should be of great use to you and not the cause of some problems. So make a great buy and sort out the right ones for your baby. Make it as simple and as comfortable as it can be.
Weather and occasion are to be well considered. Having clothes for all special days will put a stop to unexpected run to the stores, and get your baby some real clothes, not fancy ones to be used in your aunt's birthday, a short park walk, a winter break and spring parties. To add up on this, it is essential and a must do to make sure that you keep them as warm and comfortable as possible. Make a good class of clothes made from plain strong fabric that will keep a baby warm without getting irritated on the skin. Protect them from the sun's heat or strong winds.
Keep but don't hoard. Quantity should not be wasted on. It is not good to keep tons of clothes for your baby because, you have to admit it, they too grow up and become old. They grow faster than we can ever imagine. Stop piling up those clothes that your babies have to wear in a week, though it's better to change as often as needed. Go for the quality of clothes, not for the quantity.
Remember that though the demand is high for newborn baby clothes, there will always be those people who will be there to supply your needs at the best possible offers. Don't rush and be as assertive and critical as you can be for your baby. Give them the best of what they deserve.
Visit to discover more information about newborn baby clothes.
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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Make Sure Your Baby Stays Safe

Better to be on the Safe Side
SIDS is more prevalent on newborn to six-month old babies but there are incidences of SIDS which have been recorded in babies above 6 months of age. The condition however, lessens greatly once the child reaches a year old.
As the old adage goes, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Here are some recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics on how to decrease the chances of your bundle of joy from becoming a victim of SIDS.
1.Don't let your baby sleep on his stomach. According to the AAP, babies who sleep on their stomachs are more prone to SIDS than infants who sleep on their backs.
2. Avoid soft surfaces. As much as possible, use a firm mattress with a tight bed sheet or cover. Never put your baby to sleep on soft blankets or bulky comforters.
3. Avoid surrounding him with stuffed toys, pillows and bumper guards. The aim is to prevent any of these things from smothering the infant or cutting off his supply of fresh air.
4. Kick the Habit. Second hand smoke is considered as one of the major risk factors for SIDS. Children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are also more susceptible to SIDS than others.
5. Have your baby sleep in the same room. Nurseries are good but being able to check on your baby very often during the night helps a lot. A word of warning though, make sure that the baby sleeps in a separate bassinet or crib and not in the same bed as you.

While all of these tips may not stop SIDS from happening, being more vigilant in watching over your baby is already a big step in preventing it. Being mindful of how your baby sleeps and where you lay them are big steps in minimizing the occurrence of SIDS.
Kristy is a work at home mom of 2 and a writer. Need help choosing a new crib mattress? Make sure to check out top rated crib mattress. Read reviews on crib mattress at
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Sound Therapy For Your Baby

Parents who have recently had their first child, as well as veteran parents who now have several little ones in the house, know that sometimes babies have trouble sleeping. The mere act of coming into the world can be stressful, and this causes lost sleep for babies and parents alike.
However, recent studies show that sound therapy for babies can help alleviate the stress. The sounds emitted by the sound machines can create a soothing effect that will help the baby sleep better. You will be able to find sound machines that can
In addition to helping babies sleep, the sound machines and sound therapy have also been shown to help with healing and illness. The sound is supposed to help stimulate healing in the body. Many believe this is because the mind relaxation provided by the machines can help the body to relax, making healing easier.
The sound machines that are on the market are quite advanced. They can change the levels of their sound dependent on the background noise in the environment. If you live in a loud neighborhood that has barking dogs, motorcycles hurdling down the street at all hours of the night, or airplanes, the sound machines will be able to detect these sounds and adjust accordingly. When the noise passes, the machine will detect this as well and reduce its volume.
You will find that the machines on the market have a number of sounds that they are able to produce, and you do not have to worry about annoying loops cycling through every few minutes. Some of the sounds that the machines offer include white noise, oceans, waterfalls, and fireplaces. Best of all, the sounds come on one machine, so you do not have to choose a machine that only offers one sound.
The machines are affordable, and they have a variety of sounds. When you find the sound that relaxes your baby and makes him or her sleep, you can use that on the nights that the child has trouble sleeping.
You no longer have to be frustrated that your child cannot sleep. The sound machines are a viable option that works for many babies. If you have a restless young one in the house, you can try the sound machine and see how well it works. Of course, if you are concerned that there may be another factor causing the baby not to sleep, you should consult with your pediatrician.
Melissa Nathans, a sleep expert, recommends sound machines and products such as white noise machines for sound masking and baby sleep problems. For more information, please visit
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Monday, December 13, 2010

The Best Baby Girl Gifts

Boys Pajamas

Organic Baby Bedding

Tandem Strollers For Baby

Sunday, December 12, 2010

When You Have Baby Twins, How To Thrive?

If you know that twins are on the way then plan, plan, and plan some more. Research as much as you can, read books and magazines and seek advice from as many sources as possible before the big arrival. The more organized you are beforehand the easier it will be when your twins arrive and turn your life upside-down. If your beautiful twins weren't expected then get ready for a rush of hands-on learning!

Here are some excellent tips to help you organize yourself:

Your twins need to grow up as individuals

Remember that individuality is important from the start with twins, especially identical twins. Some experts suggest that your twins have distinctive names, wear different clothes, and get given different toys to encourage this. Also try to remember to use their names instead of referring to them as "The Twins".

If you have a supportive family and a good network friends then that is wonderful. Caring for one baby is a tough enough task but twins can drain you more than you can imagine. Get extra support as soon as possible. If you are expecting to give birth to twins then seek out local clubs or online support forums. Being able to communicate with other parents of twins is tremendously helpful.

Often parents of twins report feeling more love towards one of their precious babies. Do not worry if you feel this way! This is because your twins have different personalities from the start. One might be more prone to crying, one may appear far more responsive to your voice, and one might be more moody. These feelings are normal and usually pass as time goes on and you get to know your babies better.

If you have identical twins you may need to use special identification methods to tell them apart. Wristbands are useful, as is colored clothing and bedding, or items with their names attached.

Use trial and error for a good feeding routine

Feeding time can be one of the most difficult and demanding aspects of having twin babies. Rest assured that in the beginning it will be clumsy and a bit of a muddle. Breast feeding is always best - for your twins' health, for saving time, and financially. Whether using breast milk or artificial, try to get as much advice on feeding twins as you can, and use trial and error to work out which way suits you and your babies best. Pumping, or expressing your breast milk for others to help can be a huge help. If you are fortunate enough to have someone who can take away some of the strain of sleepless nights then use them!

No matter how organized you are the first months with your twins, or even the first few years, will be a frantic blur of tiredness, chaos, and more tiredness. You may feel alone, isolated, depressed, and useless at times, but you will make it through and be proud that you did. Your social life will suffer, and you may find that you get less social calls than you are used to. Do not feel offended by this, instead try to remember that your friends are considering your precious time. You'll probably be needing sleep more than a friendly catch-up chat!

Do not forget Dad! He is not an optional extra, he is a vital part of raising his twins. Of course, if he isn't around there isn't much you can do about it, but if he is present then involve him, use him, and don't try to push him away thinking that you don't need him.

Healthier parents mean healthier twins

Look after yourself as much as you can. Remember, having a healthy and content Mom has an incredibly positive impact on your twins. Squeeze in as much sleep as you can, you are going to need to grab every minute of blissful rest that is available. You need lots of energy to take care of your double package of wonder! Twins do not always sleep at the same time, so sneaking in a nap for yourself whenever possible is recommended. Do not be afraid to doze off when visiting friends or family if the opportunity arises. Friends will understand completely, and they should also feel pleased that you are comfortable enough in their company to do this.

Finding a comfortable routine that suits all your family needs is vital. While you may find your household is in a state of messy chaos, life becomes much easier if it's organized chaos, and that means working out routines. Wash times, meal times, play times, whatever works best for you and your family. Do not think that you have to conform to what others count as a good routine. As you progress you will earn your own version of what is good.

Do not make the mistake of comparing your twins. They may be a double package of demanding wonder but they are separate personalities and should be treated as individuals. If one is developing faster than the other remember that all children progress at different speeds, even twins, whether fraternal or identical. If you have genuine concerns then do not hesitate to seek professional help, as with all aspects of caring for babies.

It may be a daunting, worrying, and stressful time for you, but with the right approach and by learning as you go you will soon get used to being a parent of twin babies. Think of yourself as fortunate to be able to experience and enjoy twice the pleasure.

Gary Thomas is a researcher and parenting advice article author, but most importantly he is an always-learning father of five wonderful children aged four to seventeen. For more family tips and real solutions to the problems faced by parents visit Parenting Advice Pages

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Bad Behavior in Toddlers

Bad behavior in toddlers is all too common these days. You can see it everywhere, at the store, on the television, even at your own home. Nobody enjoys it when toddlers misbehave. That's why Ashley Ryan and Dr. Blaise Ryan, her husband, wrote the Happy Child Guide ebook to help parents properly deal with their misbehaving toddlers.

The Authors' Credibility

Ashley Ryan is a certified parenting consultant who has extensively research parenting. She has written several articles on parenting, and has a plethora of experience in this invaluable field.

Dr. Blaise Ryan is the chief medial researcher of the Child Brain Health Institute. He was also certified in traditional Chinese medicine before becoming devoted to solving behavioral problems of children.

Together, the two have written the Happy Child Guide ebook. The information in this ebook have transformed many miserable families into happy ones. You will be closer to your children and have a stronger family. With some families, this has happened in just 21 days.

I Can Control My Toddler

Can you? It may appear that you are on the surface. However, unless you are addressing the cause of your toddler's bad behavior, you are not truly dealing with the situation correctly. You're only dealing with the effect of whatever it is that's causing your toddler to misbehave. If you are not dealing with these issues listed, you're probably not addressing the cause:

• a junk food and sugar high diet
• not enough exercise to release your toddler's energy
• not enough sleep causing your toddler to be cranky
• poor external influences that teach your toddler to behavior badly

Save Your Family Now

The Happy Child Guide will help improve the bad behavior in your toddler. No longer would you need to fight with a screaming, biting, and hitting toddler. Instead, you will have the respectable and polite that you imagined.

To enjoy additional written reviews check out Dr. Blaise Ryan and Mark Hanes

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