Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Baby's First Trip For a Haircut

Your baby's first haircut is a milestone in terms of growth and development. Many parents often take pictures, collect locks of hair, and may have to dry some baby tears during the first hair trim. For some babies, the first haircut can be terrifying and stressful. Other babies act as if a hair trim is another new activity with new sounds and sights to discover.
When Does Baby Need the First Haircut?
If your baby was born with a full head of hair, they may be ready for that first trim as early as eight months of age. Other children may not grow a substantial amount of hair until around two years of age. The decision for a baby's haircut usually rests on the personal tastes of the parents.
The First Visit
The first haircut a baby gets should have no surprises. Many parents will mimic a salon haircut with their children in a high chair. Some have even given a child's favorite doll a "trim" for the child to see. A "trim" or a "snip" may be a better term than the word "cut". When deciding on a professional for the first visit, choose a stylist that has experience in working with small children. Your child may first need a "meet and greet" visit to the salon. Introduce your baby to the stylists and give baby some time to get used to this new person. The first visit may just be for your child to observe what happens at the salon. This is a perfect opportunity for baby and two adults; one person can hold the baby while mommy or daddy gets a haircut that the child can watch. If an older sibling needs a trim as well, this may be a great way to ease baby into what happens at the salon.
The time of day chosen for baby's first trim is very critical. If lunchtime is near or baby is used to napping during a particular time of day, this would not be the ideal time for a first time snip. Bad timing may increase the likelihood of a tantrum and could traumatize your child during the first visit. Parents may also feel more at ease when the salon first opens or near closing time, just in case the best laid plans fall through.
The stylist should only need to spray baby's head with a water bottle. Having a stranger shampoo your baby's hair may be a frightening experience. If your baby does not cooperate, one option is for you to sit your baby in your lap while you are in the styling chair. A baby's hair trim should usually last for fifteen to twenty minutes at most.
Though the first visit may be difficult, it is also a human necessity and is one of the first introductions your baby will have to the world of personal grooming. With patience and repetition, your baby should soon be more at ease when visiting the salon.
Doc. No.: CBFADS729
Colby Brister is a writer for My Baby Bedding Shop and is the loving parent of two. One boy and one girl. His children are all grown up now but he loves writing about children and giving tips on certain scenarios that parents are faced with along the way. Colby sure hopes that you have found this article helpful. Colby would like for you to check out his Glenna Jean Crib Bedding. He would also like for you to take a look at the Glenna Jean McKenzie Collection.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Colby_Brister

Monday, August 2, 2010

Baby Sleep and Memory

During the REM phase of sleep, the baby's brain assimilates and stores all the information that babies receive during their wakeful and alert hours. REM or light sleep is where we dream and our metabolic and brain functions are active. REM sleep is much more dominant in newborns taking up fifty of their sleep time (80% in preemies). This sleep seems to play a role in development. Although newborn infants spend about half of their 16-18 hours of daily sleep time in REM sleep, adults spend only about an hour and a half in REM sleep.

This difference in REM between infants and adults indicates its importance in development. Several dream researchers have insinuated that REM sleep plays a key role in infant brain development by providing an internal source of powerful stimulation which would prepare the baby for the almost infinite "world of stimulation it will soon have to face" and also by facilitating the "maturation of the nervous system."

Babies are in an almost constant state of motor skill learning and coordination. They have a lot of new material to consolidate and, therefore demand more of sleep. Hence, sleep appears to play a key role in human development, and interferences to their REM sleep could undermine their learning. A new study, published online in Nature Neuroscience, from researchers at Harvard Medical School and Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, argues that sleep deprivation also hampers the brain's ability to make new memories.

As parents, we should remember that REM sleep plays an essential role in remembering new information and memory consolidation.

Diana Gonzalez Blanco, B.B.A., M.B.A., is a Certified Youth, Parenting and Family Coach; a Baby and Toddler Sleep Expert; and founder of Smooth Parenting. Smooth Parenting is a baby & toddler sleep consultancy and parenting coaching firm, that helps families around the world get a good night sleep and a peaceful, smooth and happy family life.

For free baby sleep training and parenting tips, sign up for Smooth Parenting's FREE newsletter at http://www.SmoothParenting.com; and follow them on Facebook at http://www.Facebook.com/SmoothParenting

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Diana_Gonzalez_Blanco

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Buy the Baby Some Special Clothes

There are many types of clothes for a baby that you should consider buying. When you go to a baby store, you have to find the perfect clothes that fit your baby. The clothes should also represent your baby's gender. The clothes that you should buy at a store or online also must be able to keep the baby warm. Before you buy the clothes for your baby make sure that you know if your baby has allergies to certain materials first. Here are some of the clothes that you can put on your shopping list.
1. If you want your baby to feel special, buy her something that takes time and effort; like buying him hand knitted clothes. You can decide what kind of design you want to give to your baby. When you order one, you can ask a salesperson what you are looking for. They will also be able to help you in your decision when buying the perfect ones for your baby.
2. Baby's sometimes find ways to take off what they were wearing. So, the clothes you want to buy specially for babies like this should be a body. Body suits are difficult for the baby to take off so you don't have the hectic time to let him wear the clothes again whenever he takes it off.
3. Babies need caps on their heads to block off the sun when you and your baby go for a little strolling outside. You can buy hand knitted caps so you can have it personalized with the name of your baby. Buy caps that go well with the clothes they wear.
4. When the baby is ready to go to sleep in the evening, make sure you let him wear pajamas to make him feel more comfortable to sleep at night. Pajamas are easy to find in a local baby or online stores. You can decide what color or design you want the baby to wear in the evening.
These are some of the clothes that the baby needs. You can search for more online and find other clothes for the baby to wear.
Anna Daniels is a freelance writer that is fond of writing articles about birthing ball and exercise ball and other baby and pregnancy related topics.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anna_Daniels

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